
Science and Engineering Services, LLC (SES) Receives 2024 NAITA Global Trade Award

May 23, 2024

HUNTSVILLE, AL, May 23, 2024 - The North Alabama International Trade Association (NAITA) is pleased to announce that Huntsville-based Science and Engineering Services, LLC (SES) received the 2024 NAITA Global Trade Award at NAITA's 41st Annual World Trade Day Luncheon Celebration today.

This award recognizes SES' long-standing support for foreign military partners and a commitment to international trade and business. SES began operations in Huntsville more than 25 years ago primarily as a manufacturing company supporting the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). Growing from a small manufacturing company to one of the largest small businesses providing aircraft modification and support on behalf of the USG, SES and its vendor base have continued to expand facilities and capabilities across Huntsville and the Tennessee Valley. Over the past 20 years, SES has expanded into aviation production and support and penetrated markets across the globe - growing aviation capability in the Tennessee Valley and bringing aviation support companies into North Alabama.

The company is proud of its partnerships with its domestic support base and international partners that bring business to North Alabama. Roughly 36 international customers have been supported with work performed abroad and here in North Alabama over the past decade. Today, aircraft from 10 countries are in work in Huntsville facilities with several other countries receiving logistics support. SES has expanded the aviation footprint in the Huntsville area by performing aircraft modifications, integration, and support with countries from North and South America, Asia, Europe, Africa and the Middle East and continues to provide worldwide support to its customers.

SES has been fortunate to lead many international aviation programs over the past decade that have enduring positive implications for our partners, the U.S. military and diplomatic efforts and Combatant Command strategies.

SES has been an active Corporate Member of NAITA for many years, speaking and participating in international trade seminars and events, including the quarterly NAITA Trade Compliance Roundtable focused on Export Controls and Compliance, and NAITA FMS Industry Day.

The NAITA Global Trade Award was presented by Deborah McGee, President & CEO of PZI, the previous Global Trade Award Recipient, and accepted by Ralph Pallotta, CEO, during the 41st Annual NAITA World Trade Day Luncheon at The Westin Huntsville.